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Updates - 7-24-23

Writer: Chris ElseyChris Elsey

-The boys and girls programs are hosting the Middle School XC Camp this Monday, July 24th through Thursday, July 27th at BHS. We have over 40 runners preregistered with many more walk up registrations expected. The work put in by our high school athletes at this camp are what make it a success. All high school athletes are strongly encouraged to support! Middle School Camp Registration

-There were many strong performances during our July Time Trial. Our next/final time trial is the Camp Time Trial on August 11th. This is the final opportunity to qualify for team camp.

-Location, date, and time are still being determined for our Day of Caring tentatively on August 2nd. The details will be finalized soon.

-Official practices begin on Monday, August 7th. The Team Rules and Letter Requirements doc explains the program's attendance expectations and how to earn a varsity letter. All athletes must have their updated physical submitted by August 7th through Final Forms to practice with the team when official practice begin.

-The meet schedule posted on the team's page is finalized. Please note the MHSAA State Finals will not be added to teams schedules until after the Regional meet.

-Contact Coach Elsey with questions - - 248.408.5984


This Week's Schedule

Monday - BHS 10-11:30 (meet at back practice field near tennis courts)

Tuesday - BHS 10-11:30

Wednesday - BHS 10-11:30

Wednesday - BHS 4:45-7:00

Thursday - BHS 10-11:30

Friday - Bishop 8-10:15

Saturday - Kensington WBL 8-9:15

Upcoming Dates

Parent Meeting - August 1st

Day of Caring - August 2nd (tentative)

First Official Practice - August 7th

Team Pictures - August 9th

Camp Time Trial - August 11th

Pinckney Dual - August 18th

Team Camp - August 21st through 25th

Mustang Invite - August 29th

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